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    Need my account balance

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    karen conwell

    Please advise to update my father's account.
    Currently he has a balance of $69 - not sure what services he used - he had a balance of $125 as of June 30th.

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    Patti Sweet

    I am trying to increase services for my aunt, Deborah Sweet Bernal who lives in the Resnick building.. I would like to schedule her for a pedicure. No one ever answers the phone at the salon and I live out of state so cannot go there to schedule myself. I already have a celebration account for her set up but find it nearly impossible to access!

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    Annie Small

    I have been trying to reach customer service staff regarding invoices/ billing statement. No-one has returned my calls. I have signed into the account but I am unable to access the billing information to print the invoices so I can have a record of the monthly expenditures on my credit card.

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    Nancy Loetz

    Where can i find a current account balance on my account, for gifting, and also where is there a history of work done. I need invoices to attach to monthly expenditures

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    Hynda Ockner

    HELP!!!! I have an account but the system is not recognizing my login. I reset my password and still can't get in to add money to my mom's account. What am I doing wrong? Please let me know what to do next.

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