Refund requests can be sent to
Please make sure you are providing the full community name, residents full name, reason for refund and your contact info for any questions we might have. When your refund has been processed, we will respond with the refund information. Refunds are returned back to the card used to make the fill up purchase. Please note that refunds could take up to 21 days to be processed. If a refund is due to a PS Salon & Spa permanently closing, those refunds are automatically processed within 30-45 days of the salon closing date. (Please note- if a refund is made by check, that refund could take up to 45 days as check refunds are processed once per month)
Your salon here is closing. Please refund remaining money to person who deposited it.
His name is Bill Hair, and you have gift info.
Frances Hair. 352-674-3788
Sumter Grand, FL
Jane Greene is being released to home. Please refund the balance of our account back to the credit card. Thank you,
Richard Greene
Jane Greene is in Sagewood - Acacia on Mayo drive. She is going home so please refund our balance back to the card. Thank you, Richard Greene
My phone is480-467-8802
Richard Greene