What is a PS Celebration Portal?

A PS Celebration Portal is an online profile that connects you to your loved ones Celebration Account at the salon.

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    Beth Brockhouse

    What is the web address?

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    Permanently deleted user
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    Barbara Matthews

    How do I book an appointment?

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    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Barbara,
    Please call the community and ask to book an appointment with the salon. They will either schedule for you or transfer you to the salon.


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    Cupid Hart-James

    Do you have an app for iphone?

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    Permanently deleted user

    We do not currently have an app, you can bookmark the login page to your home screen though.-Adriane

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    Toby Green

    I have three PS charges on my Am Ex card. 06/04/22- $35.00
    I don't know what services you did for me. Can you help? Thanks, Toby Green

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    Shirley Shewmaker

    Betty Gabriel

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